News Stories

Exhibition “Armed Truth - 10 Years of the Revolution of Dignity and Euromaidan in Ukraine”

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On January 12, the Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers in partnership with IWEK e.V., Uni Potsdam and Visionary Berlin will hold the exhibition “Die bewaffne Wahrheit - 10 Jahre Revolution der Würde und EuroMaindan” in Berlin.

Photo: Ratynskyi Vyacheslav

The exhibition includes photographs taken by Ukrainian documentarians Mstislav Chernov and Vyacheslav Ratynsky during the Revolution of Dignity and during key historical events in Ukraine over the past 10 years.

The exhibition draws attention to the extremely high level of professionalism of Ukrainian documentary filmmakers, who daily, despite risks and obstacles, tirelessly continue to record our story for us.

Photo: Mstislav Chernov

Visitors to the exhibition will also be able to purchase a special English-language edition Reporters, which contains 155 of the strongest documentary footage of the full-scale war from the country's leading photographers, as well as texts by famous Ukrainian writers and publicists.

Venue: Visionary Berlin GmbH Reinhardtstraße 12, 10117 Berlin

Registration is not required.

The material was worked on:
Author of the text: Marusya Maruzhenko
Site Manager: Vladislav Kuhar

On January 12, the Ukrainian Association of Professional Photographers in partnership with IWEK e.V., Uni Potsdam and Visionary Berlin will hold the exhibition “Die bewaffne Wahrheit - 10 Jahre Revolution der Würde und EuroMaindan” in Berlin.

Photo: Ratynskyi Vyacheslav

The exhibition includes photographs taken by Ukrainian documentarians Mstislav Chernov and Vyacheslav Ratynsky during the Revolution of Dignity and during key historical events in Ukraine over the past 10 years.

The exhibition draws attention to the extremely high level of professionalism of Ukrainian documentary filmmakers, who daily, despite risks and obstacles, tirelessly continue to record our story for us.

Photo: Mstislav Chernov

Visitors to the exhibition will also be able to purchase a special English-language edition Reporters, which contains 155 of the strongest documentary footage of the full-scale war from the country's leading photographers, as well as texts by famous Ukrainian writers and publicists.

Venue: Visionary Berlin GmbH Reinhardtstraße 12, 10117 Berlin

Registration is not required.

The material was worked on:
Author of the text: Marusya Maruzhenko
Site Manager: Vladislav Kuhar

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